
To contribute to the development of this package, check out its Github repository and push commits there.

How do we handle dependencies?

We use poetry for resolving and installing dependencies. For an overview of poetry basic commands, visit the official documentation:

  1. Install poetry

  2. Install the dependencies: poetry install --all-extras. Poetry creates a virtual environment for you.

  3. You can activate the venv using poetry shell or temporarily poetry run [command].

  4. When adding new dependencies, use poetry add [my-package] or add them manually to pyproject.toml and update the lockfile poetry lock --no-update.

  5. requirements.txt will be updated via a pre-commit hook.

  6. Commit poetry.lock and requirements.txt in a PR. Once merged to main, Cloudbuild will build the image with the new dependencies.


You can run tests by executing poetry run pytest -n auto.

Build the documentation locally

Running poetry run sphinx-build ./docs ./docs/build from the root directory will generate the documentation. Currently, this only works on python3.9. You can use poetry with python3.9 by running poetry env use 3.9 before poetry install --all-extras.

Python Code Style Guide

We use PEP8 with some modifications. We use pre-commit to automatically check most of these points. Visit their website to find out how to setup pre-commit for this repository and check your contributions before opening a PR. You can run pre-commit run --all-files. See the file .pre-commit-config.yaml in the root directory of the repo for more details.