
The Squirrel api is designed to support fast streaming of datasets to a multi-rank, distributed system, as often encountered in modern deep learning applications involving multiple GPUs. To this end, we can use split_by_rank_pytorch() and split_by_worker_pytorch() and wrap the final iterator in a torch Dataloader object

import as tud
from squirrel.iterstream.source import IterableSource

def times_two(x: float) -> float:
    return x * 2

samples = list(range(100))
batch_size = 5
num_workers = 4
it = (
dl = tud.DataLoader(it, num_workers=num_workers)

Note that the rank of the distributed system depends on the torch distributed process group and is automatically determined.


split_by_rank_pytorch(), split_by_worker_pytorch() and to_torch_iterable() are simply convenience functions to chain your iterator with PyTorch specific iterators. These are implemented as specific Composables. An example of such a PyTorch specific Composable is given below through SplitByWorker. To see how to chain Composables, see Custom Composable.

And using squirrel.driver api:

from squirrel.driver import MessagepackDriver
url = ""
it = MessagepackDriver(url).get_iter(key_hooks=[SplitByWorker]).async_map(times_two).batched(batch_size).compose(TorchIterable)
dl = DataLoader(it, num_workers=num_workers)

In this example, key_hooks=[SplitByWorker] ensures that keys are split between workers before fetching the data and we achieve two level of parallelism; multi-processing provided by, and multi-threading inside each process for efficiently fetching samples by get_iter.