
Module Contents



FilesystemStore that persist samples (Dict objects) or shards (i.e. list of samples).

class squirrel.store.squirrel_store.SquirrelStore(url: str, serializer: squirrel.serialization.SquirrelSerializer, clean: bool = False, **storage_options)

Bases: squirrel.store.filesystem.FilesystemStore

FilesystemStore that persist samples (Dict objects) or shards (i.e. list of samples).

Initializes SquirrelStore.

  • url (str) – Path to the root directory. If this path does not exist, it will be created.

  • serializer (SquirrelSerializer) – Serializer that is used to serialize data before persisting (see set()) and to deserialize data after reading (see get()). If not specified, data will not be (de)serialized. Defaults to None.

  • clean (bool) – If true, all files in the store will be removed recursively

  • **storage_options – Keyword arguments passed to filesystem initializer.

get(self, key: str, **kwargs)Iterator[squirrel.constants.SampleType]

Yields the item with the given key.

If the store has a serializer, data read from the file will be deserialized.

  • key (str) – Key corresponding to the item to retrieve.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments forwarded to self.serializer.deserialize_shard_from_file().


(Any) Item with the given key.

keys(self, nested: bool = False, **kwargs)Iterator[str]

Yields all shard keys in the store.

set(self, value: Union[squirrel.constants.SampleType, squirrel.constants.ShardType], key: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)None

Persists a shard or sample with the given key.

Data item will be serialized before writing to a file.

  • value (Any) – Shard or sample to be persisted. If value is a sample (i.e. not a list), it will be wrapped around with a list before persisting.

  • key (Optional[str]) – Optional key corresponding to the item to persist.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments forwarded to self.serializer.serialize_shard_to_file().