
The IterStream module provides functionalities to chain iterables. The core principle behind IterStream is similar to chaining generators, that is lazy execution.

def add_1(x):
    print(f'add 1 to {x}')
    return x + 1

def mult_10(x):
    print(f'multiply 10 to {x}')
    return x * 10

g1 = (add_1(i) for i in range(3))
g2 = (mult_10(i) for i in g1)


add 1 to 0
multiply 10 to 1

This functionality is provided through the Composable class, which forms the base class for all classes in IterStream.

from squirrel.iterstream import IterableSource
from squirrel.iterstream import Composable

it = IterableSource(range(3))
it1 =
it2 =

assert isinstance(it, Composable)
assert isinstance(it1, Composable)
assert isinstance(it2, Composable)



add 1 to 0
multiply 10 to 1

In the example above we see how Composables are chained. Each transformation again returns a Composable object. We also call this chain of Composables stream. The executions are done lazily, that is the transformation is only executed when the iterator fetches the next item.

Custom Composable

An alternative way of constructing streams is via squirrel.iterstream.base.Composable.compose().

from squirrel.iterstream import IterableSource
from squirrel.iterstream import Composable

class Add_1(Composable):
    def __init__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        for x in self.source:
            print(f'add 1 to {x}')
            yield x + 1

class Mult_10(Composable):
    def __init__(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        for x in self.source:
            print(f'multiply 10 to {x}')
            yield x * 10

it = IterableSource(range(3)).compose(Add_1).compose(Mult_10)


add 1 to 0
multiply 10 to 1

Similar as before, the execution is done lazily and each transformation returns a Composable object. The only difference is that we wrap the function inside a custom Composable class. Writing custom Composable classes allows us to modify the iteration process. Some use-cases for custom Composables include:

  1. We need to instantiate an expensive resource such as a database connection or a CNN feature extractor only once for the entire stream instead of once per item. In this case it is advisable to instantiate this resource in the __iter__ method of your custom class. One advantage is that the object is only instantiated once iterating over the stream starts. Additionally, if this resource is a non-picklable object, the stream can still be pickled before the iteration starts (e.g. in the multiprocessing context).

  2. When a very complex stream processing is needed that is hard to achieve with standard methods.

The following example illustrates the control flow when chaining Composables. Note that the order of calling the __iter__ method is from right ot left.

class Add_1(Composable):
    def __init__(self):
        print("Create Add_1")

    def __iter__(self):
        print("Start Add_1")
        for i in iter(self.source):
            print(f"add 1 to {i+1}")
            yield i+1

class Mult_10(Composable):
    def __init__(self):
        print("Create Mult_10")

    def __iter__(self):
        print("Start Mult_10")
        for i in iter(self.source):
            print(f"multiply 10 to {10*i}")
            yield 10*i

it = IterableSource(range(3)).compose(Add_1).compose(Mult_10)


Create Add_1
Create Mult_10
Start Mult_10
Start Add_1
add 1 to 0
multiply 10 to 1

The constructors are called from left to right, as is the execution of the transformations. However, we can see that the iterators are called from right to left.

Source in a Stream

In a stream, each Composable in the chain stores the iterable it operates on in the source attribute. That is if we get the source from the n-th Composable in the chain, we can retrieve the intermediate results up until the n-1-th Composable (including). However, note that after repeatedly calling source we will end up with the original iterable, which will not have a source attribute.

def add_1(x):
    return x + 1

def mult_10(x):
    return x * 10

it = IterableSource(range(3)).map(add_1).map(mult_10)

print(f'x: {it.source.source.collect()}')
print(f'x + 1: {it.source.collect()}')
print(f'(x + 1) * 10: {it.collect()}')


x: [0, 1, 2]
x + 1: [1, 2, 3]
(x + 1) * 10: [10, 20, 30]

Asynchronous execution

We have seen in IterStream how to apply functions on streams asynchronously with async_map(). Internally, a _AsyncMap object is constructed when calling async_map(). _AsyncMap maintains an internal queue and creates AsyncContent that are inserted to the queue. AsyncContent objects are created by specifying a function callback, the item it operates on, and an executor. When AsyncContent object is created, the function callback is scheduled for asynchronous execution. We can simply fetch results from the queue by iterating over the _AsyncMap object.


Most classes inherit from Composable, which provides many concrete stream processing methods such as map() and filter(), and one abstract method __iter__ which must be implemented by all sub classes.

In the non-exhaustive UML diagram below, we show how the IterStream module is structured.

classDiagram Composable <|-- _Iterable Composable <|-- IterableSource Composable <|-- _AsyncMap AsyncContent <.. _AsyncMap <<abstract>> Composable class Composable { source: Iterable or Callable __iter__() Iterator compose(constructor, *args, **kwargs) Composable map(callback) _Iterable async_map(callback, buffer, max_workers, executor) _AsyncMap } class _Iterable { source: Iterable callback: Callable __iter__() Iterator } class IterableSource { source: Iterable or Callable __iter__() Iterator } class _AsyncMap { source: Iterable callback: Callable int buffer int max_workers Executor executor __iter__() Iterator } class AsyncContent { future: executor.submit(func, item) value(): fetch results }